Arapahoe Libraries in the News

Discover the many ways Arapahoe Libraries serves the community.


Libraries are a gateway to information and experiences beyond your own backyard.
Arapahoe Libraries offers learning opportunities for all ages, resources for parents and immigrants, areas for creation and collaboration, access to new technology and so much more. We take pride in our efforts toward environmental sustainability, bringing library services to the community and creating a space where trying new things is encouraged and celebrated.
Learn more about the impact Arapahoe Libraries is making in the community.

Featured Stories

8/15/23Englewood Herald:Arapahoe librarian shares books with communities

8/9/23Littleton Independent:Local libraries offer nontraditional items and programs, preserve important 'third place'

7/12/23Englewood Herald:Summer reading programs continues for the Arapahoe County Library District


8/15/23Arapahoe librarian shares books with communities

8/9/23Local libraries offer nontraditional items and programs, preserve important 'third place'

7/12/23Summer reading programs continues for the Arapahoe County Library District